Knowledge base

How to auto startup MT4/MT5 after VPS restart?

Auto startup MT4/MT5 after Windows restart

Autorun is a feature that allows trading platforms to start and run automatically after a VPS restart.

You can set up Autorun on your VPS without additional software.

Please follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your VPS. Read how to access your VPS.
  1. Open File Explorer
open file explorer
  1. Go to C Drive → Users → Administrator
  1. Change the View settings of the Administrator folder to show hidden files and folders
    Tick the Hidden items
Hidden items in explorer
  1. Find the hidden folder AppData and open it
  1. Go to Roaming → Microsoft → Windows → Start Menu → Programs
  1. In the folder, Programs find the StartUp subfolder
startup folder
  1. Right-click on the StartUp folder, create the Shortcut and Paste it to the Desktop
Windows SturtUp folder shortcut
  1. Once you have the StartUp folder’s shortcut on the Desktop, create copy/copies of the trading terminal’s shortcuts and paste them into the StartUp folder
Autorun MT4 MT5 terminal
  1. Done!

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